Interview with HOMEFIT Georgetown
What territory are you operating your HOMEFIT franchise in?
Georgetown, Texas
Tell us about your background
My name is Dylan Willette, and I established my passion for fitness & health in a middle school weight room at the ripe age of 13. Years later, when I graduated high school, I knew that I enjoyed helping people and learning about the body as it relates to fitness & health. Subsequently, I started college to become a physical therapy assistant. During that first year, I realized how many other interesting careers there were and I began second-guessing my initial decision to become a PTA. I ended up changing my major 3 times during that year. I figured out very quickly that being an 18-year-old young man, with little life experience, was a terrible time to make decisions and financial commitments that would solidify the trajectory of my life. My grandad, a retired Lieutenant Colonel, noticed that I needed guidance and gave me the much-needed advice to explore my options in the military to gain some life experience and skills. Since then, I've honorably served 12 years as an active duty Marine and have gained the valuable and needed skills, experience, and certificates that have led me to my decision to confidently start my own franchise with HOMEFIT.
Why did you choose to start a HOMEFIT franchise?
There are a few reasons why I decided to start a HOMEFIT franchise. It all started when I sat down with HOMEFIT's CEO, Matthew Foster, who is a high school friend and Marine veteran, like me. Matt gave me the rundown on what it would be like to be a franchise owner with HOMEFIT and I did some serious contemplating for about 3 days, and then I made a decision. The biggest reason why I decided to start a franchise with HOMEFIT is that I could clearly vision myself recruiting and leading a team of trainers, creating a positive impact with clients on a big scale, and creating a reputation for myself in a city that my daughter and I will call home for many years to come. The second reason why I decided to start a franchise with HOMEFIT is simply because I trust and respect Matt Foster. Since I made this decision, Matt and the President, Cody Robinson, have been with me every step of the way. I’m happy to be on this team.
How has your experience been so far?
The experience of owning a franchise has been an exciting ride thus far and there hasn't been a situation that has caught me off guard from what I expected. The CEO and President prepared me for damn near every aspect of this responsibility in a professional and streamlined manner. I will say, the leadership at HOMEFIT really does a great job of providing the support that I need and helping me stay on top of the key priorities and tasks that will support the growth of my franchise. Earning the trust of HOMEFIT Georgetown's first client, and watching them progress physically and mentally has been the highlight of this entire experience. Many more clients to come.
What is the most rewarding part of owning a HOMEFIT franchise?
For me, the most rewarding part of owning a HOMEFIT franchise is creating positive change in my community. I've always had dreams and visions of doing something big in life. I've constantly chased those dreams. HOMEFIT has allowed me to impact people in a positive way and to me, there isn't a better feeling than to know that you're making a difference in people's lives.
What are your short-term goals for your HOMEFIT franchise?
12-18 months…
A short-term goal for the franchise is to find at least 4 highly qualified trainers that want to live by our values and help grow this company.
What are your long-term goals for your HOMEFIT franchise?
3-5 years...
A long-term goal for the franchise will be to take a percentage of our profits and donate to "O.U.R. Rescue" on a monthly basis with the main goal to support children in need and that need protection. Operation Underground Railroad has made a significant impact in the fight to end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by assisting in rescuing and supporting thousands of survivors in almost 40 countries and 50 U.S. states. Timothy Ballard is the founder and I firmly believe in his fight and I want to be apart of it.
Dylan Willette, HOMEFIT Georgetown.