Finding your compass…A Mom’s Journey

The impact of finding “your why” is so important. Finding your why is like your own personal compass that is going to lead you in the direction to what you want to achieve. I mean think about it, if you were to hop in a car right now and just drive without any sense of direction, no plans, just drive, you would no doubt see some incredible things in the world. But then when you finished you might question yourself, why did you go that direction what if you went another way, was any of it even worth it?

Therefore, your why is so important in your health and fitness journey because it provides you with the direction. Giving you a map of achievable goals. What exactly do I mean by all this? I want to tell you a little story on how I realized how much having a why can impact you. This is my oldest son Logan, at the time he was just around 8-years old, and he is a very active boy. I don't think there isn't anything he hasn't tried. He plays baseball, wrestles, football, and LOVES running in 1-mile races.

 That picture was taken almost 3 years ago at our small-town “Fun Days”, and I remember that day as if it was yesterday. That morning Logan got up early to partake in a 1 mile run around town and something he said to me forever changed my life.

As they were all lining up to begin the race he looked around and seen all the other parents standing with their children getting ready to run, and there was his mom standing on the curb. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, “mom why can't you run with me? All their moms and dads are running together.” Talk about a shot to the heart! I was completely speechless, and, in that moment, I really couldn't give him an answer. I began thinking to myself there is no way this out of shape mama is going to attempt a 1-mile run. How embarrassing would that be? He ran the race by himself and when he finished, he said, “mom next time we do this together!” And that right there is what stuck with me. But what I didn’t know at the time, it was everything I needed.

The other piece of my compass you ask? My family…They light up my world! They are my biggest “why”, my sense of direction you could say. When I began my own fitness journey, I wanted to achieve a goal at the time my 8-year-old son had set for me, to run a 1-mile race with him. But it just kept building from there because I had a sense of direction, I had my own personal compass.

I knew that to achieve the goal of running a 1- mile race with him other things had to happen in between. Having the ultimate support system really made a difference. If it’s reminding me to go to the gym, asking about the different foods I make, or simply posing with me in my progress photos (yup, my daughter was known as the cute photo bomber) They are there for me! Which makes me want to set the example even more. I want to prove to them that no matter what you set your mind to, you can achieve it.

Now let’s fast-forward a few years…remember that goal that my once 8-year-old set for me? To run a 1-mile race with him at the next Fun Run? Well we took it up a notch and instead of running just 1-mile we really challenged ourselves with a 5k! I mean go big or go home right? It was one of the biggest rushes of my life. Running next to my son, something I NEVER thought I could even do in the first place. Remember that self doubt I had about even running 1-mile let a lone a 5K? But we did it, and we did it together. The emotions I felt as we crossed that finish line together was just overwhelming, I didn’t know if I should cry, should I give him a big hug or what but it something I will never forget. Little did he know a few years back he set a goal for his mom and we achieved it together.

 I tell you all this because I want you to know that even if you are struggling at the thought of even starting your health and fitness journey. Or maybe you’re just like me, a busy mom or dad who cannot possibly think about adding one more thing to your plate. I’m here to tell you, that you can!

Trust me, I get it from the time that alarm goes off in the morning, YOU are the one who is needed. Someone needs you at home, someone needs you at work, someone will always need you. But YOU also need YOU.  

Find your compass and the why will lead the way!


-Katie Sparks, Executive Project Manager


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