To HOMEFIT…And Beyond!

How Did We Get Here?

Home Fit Consulting, LLC began in January of 2013 with myself and T.J. Crosby; just a couple of close friends with very different backgrounds that had a vision to combine our expertises together and impact the world. We were both crazy for doing it as his incredible son was born that same month, and I proposed to my wife that Spring. Who forces so many life events into a single season?! We did. And I’m truly happy and humbled to share that HOMEFIT officially turns 10 years old in 2023!

A decade. A decade of business development. A decade of tireless work to create the greatest fitness concierge service the world has ever seen. Thousands of customers that have sought our services for us to come into their homes and transform their quality of life. As I write this, the years flood through my memory. What started with a simple idea and a partnership that has now morphed into an overall movement that is expanding throughout the country.

If you were to ask me the heavy question of, “Was it worth it?” My answer would be a resounding, “Yes!”

But it’s evident that I couldn’t have done this alone. I could write a novel on how each mentor, trainer, yoga instructor, and client has impacted me directly and how we’ve been able to collectively enhance the ecosystem of each others’ lives. It’s truly incredible to think back on how far we’ve come.

“…I couldn’t have done this alone.”


The Beginning…

I had a pretty extensive background already in the world of fitness and exercise physiology, where T.J. had the background in business, financing, human resources…so basically all the elements you needed to start a successful business. We picked titles so I became the original President/Trainer, and he the the original CEO of the company.

We didn’t have a clue where this business would go. But we had sincere faith in each other and the desire to serve people while providing jobs for deserving fitness professionals. Sounds like the American Dream if you ask me.

As we started the company and began serving clients throughout the Birmingham area, I quickly realized that the company needed the right type of leverage to scale. At the same time we began exploring growing the business, we were paying close attention to other fitness professionals like myself who wanted to be more than just a normal “personal trainer.”

Many of our trainers go on to get advanced degrees, certifications, and training in the world of health and wellness, and simply want to focus on serving their clients directly (not to get stuck in the traditional gym setting of cleaning machines and putting away towels).

So I decided to start recruiting friends and colleagues of mine that I completely trusted and who were looking for a new experience. And so our company grew into an actual platform to provide growth opportunities for elite professionals, matching them with high caliber and deserving clientele.


The Evolution…

A couple of years into this model we began exploring expansion. We wanted to stay a little bit closer to Birmingham so we looked at Tuscaloosa and Huntsville, Alabama. And we were very fortunate to find some phenomenal trainers in both areas, (Trey Tate, aka “The Guru”; and Hope Feder, whom both have remained with HOMEFIT til this day!).

Over the years we’ve tested out multiple markets (Nashville, TN; Cincinnati, OH; Tampa, FL; Austin, TX), with our current corporate markets operating in Birmingham, Huntsville, and Nashville.

After about four years from fruition, T.J. needed to step away from the business as his primary career continued to accelerate! He had some incredible opportunities on the horizon and we felt like I was ready to take on more hats of running the business.

The next couple of years were intense. A ton of learning (failing), but it all forced me to adapt and push forward…no matter what. Thankfully, I was blessed to still not to go at it alone. Lynda Ratliff had already been with us for some time at that point and had been pivotal of the continued growth of HOMEFIT. She challenged us, encouraged us, prayed for us, and even helped improve the company culture at the time.

We went through a couple of years of learned growth, and Lynda stepped in as COO as we navigated the new horizon. We learned a lot (about each other, about the business) and we continued to grow together. However, after awhile we eventually reached a point that felt like a bit of a ceiling. Many companies go through this and our awareness of the fact lead us to keep our eyes open for what (or who) was needed to take HOMEFIT to the next level.

Enter Matthew Foster. A super hungry Marine, who’s high-functioning with the brain of a Fortune 500 CEO. Matthew originally came to us with the intent of leading our marketing strategies while also being a leading personal trainer for the company. After several months and a deeper dive into the business, Matthew wanted more. He saw the growth opportunity, and I needed to let go of the reins.


The Restructure…

So Matthew, Lynda, and myself sat down and made the decision to internally restructure the leadership of the company. Shifting Matthew to CEO, myself remaining at President & Implementer, and Lynda with continued support as we learned to all “row together.”

Coincidentally, this took place only a few weeks prior to the occurrence of COVID-19. That was clearly a God Thing with the uncanny timing.

Before COVID , we had expanded as far as Tampa , Austin , and Cincinnati, and each was honestly showing great promise. Once the pandemic hit we decided to retract back to a more centralized location from a corporate standpoint, focusing on Birmingham, Huntsville, and then of course expanding to Nashville, Tennessee.

The Biggest Decision Yet…

What a ride those two years were. The 1st rebrand, the ups and downs, countless pivots to remain relevant and growing, success serving out clients throughout a global pandemic. It’s crazy! Plenty of times over the years have we wondered if we can keep climbing?! Can we continue to outlast competition and everything the world has to throw at us?! And we have.

Smack in the middle of the pandemic, an idea came to mind. Should we consider Franchising HOMEFIT? I read some books and blogs, listened to podcasts, talked to our lawyer, and everything continued to support that we in fact should go this route. Plus, COVID only reinforced the relevance of at home training and we were learning that many fitness professionals and entrepreneurs were starting to look for ventures. So we thought, “Give the people what they want!

Now we’re on a brand new exciting trajectory of stepping into the “The Big Leagues.” I’m proud to say that we converted our very 1st franchise this summer and many conversations are evolving in other locations throughout the US.


How About Some Jet Fuel

Matt and I have been super blessed over the last year with the people that have leaned hard into this company. Last summer, through a fortunate accident, we found the next pivotal component to assuring the success of our business. And her name is Katie Sparks.

Since day one, Katie has been extremely committed and eager support every effort we’ve made. A role that started as a “catch all” assistant, has completely morphed into both a driving force and safety net for our Admin Team. Just recently we were very happy to promote Katie as HOMEFIT’s official Executive Project Manager, and pace of our growth has only accelerated from there. Jet fuel if you will.


…And Beyond

If you’ve been living under a rock, the world of fitness continues to evolve in such a crazy way. In the middle of our franchise focus, the one and only Destin Bailey pitched Matt and I with a brilliant concept! Something that is needed yet still upholds the mission and principals of HOMEFIT.

She recognized that there was still a market of people that wasn’t being effectively served by the industry. Younger professionals who are already working out and trying to get better, yet the results have been unsuccessful due to misdirection and a lack of genuine accountability.

And so…after many weeks of preparation and buildout, we have now launched our very own fitness app called BEYOND. As a company we are all about eliminating barriers to healthy living. And BEYOND cuts even more strings by allowing you to take all of your workouts, nutrition planning, and healthy behavior strategy in your pocket and anywhere in the world. So I would for sure say that the name is perfectly descriptive.

The structure of this service is like none other. And we have to give Destin the credit for pulling it all together.


What’s next?…

We have so many plans evolving over the next year. A lot of work ahead of forced growth and refinement of serving our world. To best describe how it feels….it’s like we’re on the tarmac, engines are running, and the ignition is about to engage, launching us into a brand new horizon.

Thank you. Thank you to EVERY single person that has played a role in our journey, and the people that cross our paths in the future. We do it all for you.

-Cody Robinson, HOMEFIT President


Personal Trainer in your pocket
